Architecture description

The biggest blocks in infinniUI architecture are data sources and elements of User Interface. Those two are completely independent on each other.

Data sources

Data sources rely on data can be retireved from various sources for instance remote services like http-services and applied logic. Sources can grant CRUD access to the data and subscribe to the data update as well.

User interface elements

Each element defines UI entities for instance button, text field, label, contaner elements like panels and so on.

Data source and elements binding. Metadata.

Binding process is automatic based on defined metadata. Metadata is a JSON-schema document which has UI structure, data sources list and data bindings described in it.

UI structure can be described as:

"DataSources": [],

"Items": [
"GridPanel": {
    "Items": [
            "Cell": {
                "ColumnSpan": 4,
                "Items": [
                        "Label": {
                            "Text": "Some label",
                            "HorizontalAlignment": "Right"
              "Cell": {
                  "ColumnSpan": 4,
                  "Items": [
                          "TextBox": {
                              "Name": "TB",
                              "Value": "Some value"

Data source, in this case pre-defined local data set, can be defined as:

    "DataSources": [{
        "ObjectDataSource": {
            "Name": "MainDataSource",
                "someField": "value"

Data binding to a text field:

    "DataSources": [{
        "ObjectDataSource": {
            "Name": "MainDataSource",
                "someField": "value"

    "Items": [{

        "GridPanel": {
            "Items": [
                    "Cell": {
                        "ColumnSpan": 4,
                        "Items": [
                                "Label": {
                                    "Text": "Some label",
                                    "HorizontalAlignment": "Right"
                    "Cell": {
                        "ColumnSpan": 4,
                            "Items": [
                                "TextBox": {
                                    "Name": "TB",
                                    "Value": {
                                        "Source": "MainDataSource",
                                        "Property": "$.someField"

Thus InfinniUI processes data in the following way:

  • InfinniUI recieves metadata described as JSON-schema.
  • InfinniUI transits metadata to builders.
  • In accordance with metadata descriptions builders generate web user interface, create data sources and perform data binding.