
Data binding is a linking between elements and sources.


Data binding allows synchronize property values of two different objects. One is conditionally called element while another is source. Elements are often representations of visual view while sources are - data sources. Typically that doesn’t matter which element will be the element and wich be the source because both represent the same interface. Objects that can bind data are all types of visual elements, all types of Data Sources and View Parameters.

Any data binding can be representd as non-visual programm object which can define the data conversion rules for both element and source, as well as desirable direction of data streams in binding mode:

  • Bi-directional exchange between element and source - if source has got updates then element gets updated otherwise if element has got updates then element gets updated accordingly.
  • To source updates - if source has got updates then no change to element is done, otherwise if element has got updates then source gets updated.
  • To element update - if source has got updates element gets updated otherwise source gets no update.

Data binding thus conceals complexity of synchronizing between elements and sources and simplifies the code to great extent and makes behaviour of all elements controllable.



new DataBinding()






var element = new InfinniUI.TextBox();
var $element = element.render();

var source = new InfinniUI.TextBox();
var $source = source.render();

var binding = new InfinniUI.DataBinding();
binding.bindSource(source, 'value');
binding.bindElement(element, 'value');



Name Description
getMode Returns direction of data stream in binding mode
setMode Sets direction of data stream in binding mode
getConverter Returns data converter between element and source
setConverter Sets data converter between element and source
bindSource Sets binding to source
getSource Returns data source binding
getSourceProperty Returns path to data source property binding
bindElement Sets binding to element
getElement Returns element binding
getElementProperty returns path to element binding property
getDefaultValue Returns element defaul value
setDefaultValue Sets default value for element




Метаданные типа DataBinding.


Name Type Default Description
Source* String Наименование источника данных привязки
Property String Путь к свойству источника данных привязки
Mode BindingMode TwoWay Направление потока данных в привязке
Converter BindingConverter Преобразователь данных между элементом и источником

* Обязательное свойство.


Метаданные поля ввода, привязанного к параметру Parameter_1:

    "TextBox": {
      "Value": {
        "Source": "Parameter_1"

Пусть теперь поле ввода привязано к полю Name источника данных DataSource_1. И пусть при изменении источника, необходимо обновлять поле ввода, но изменение значения поля ввода не должно влиять на значение в источнике. Тогда метаданные выглядят так

    "TextBox": {
      "Value": {
        "Source": "DataSource_1",
        "Property": "Name",
        "Mode": "ToElement"

Пример, когда данные необходимо конвертировать:

    "TextBox": {
      "Value": {
        "Source": "DataSource_1",
        "Property": "Name",
        "Converter": {
            "ToElement": "{ return args.value == '-' ? 'minus': 'plus'; }",
            "ToSource": "ConvertTextBoxToDataSource_1" //выполнится скрипт из контекста родительской view